Thursday, June 27, 2013

Make me like a baby

I don't know much in life. I do, however know a little something about babies. Babies make me smile. Especially if they like to sleep. 

You know that moment when you look at a newborn and how magical it feels. I remember the second I got to see and hold each one of my kids. All I could see was unlimited potential. I could only see all the things they would be capable of doing. 

Some how a baby sees the same thing. They learn to walk by falling down over and over again. They never give up because they have accepted falling down is part of learning to walk. 

My son, Oak just turned a year old. Oak walked at 8 months old. He is able to do what most 2 years could do. Oak has had more bumps and bruises than the other kids of mine because he doesn't care about failing. ( or pain!) Yesterday, Oak climbed up on a cabinet. As soon as we made eye contact, he jumped! I ran and grabbed him before he hit the ground. He laughed and ran off to scare someone else. He had complete trust in me. He had no doubts that I would catch him.

So I decided I am going to tap into my inner baby. I am going to see each failure as one step closer to success. One more time that I fall on my butt means one step closer to walking. And I will have complete faith that if I have to jump, my Father in Heaven is going to catch me. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Good Cause

Today we are going to do things a little different. I want to let you know about 2 causes dear to my heart. 

One: Operation Sunscreen. Protect those who protect us. 

My husband served in Baghdad, Iraq for 14 months. I can tell you first hand how much love he felt from the country he left behind. He received notes, letters, and packages from family, friends, and strangers. It touched his heart and mine. Sometimes he didn't even know how to accept the kind gestures people would show him, including a simple thank you. In his mind, he was doing his job. He still doesn't view himself as a hero. 

He came home with multiple scars, some you can see and many you can't. His face aged 10 years from all the sun damage. 

You can send a sun care package over seas and for every kit bought, another will be matched. Email me for more detail,
 Every time you thank a veteran, a soldier, a service member, it does matter, it does mean something. You might think that small thing you do, doesn't matter but it does. One person might not sound like a lot to help but when that one person is your whole world, it is a big deal.

Two: Bill Dowling inspiration tag Fundraiser 

Any inspiration or fire department charm bought in my site the month of June will have all profits donated to Capt. Bill Dowling, a local fire fighter badly injured in an apartment fire on May 31. Please help his family by donating blood, offering prayers, or donating funds to his family. 

Contact me at for more details.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013



Fearless. When I hear the word fearless one little cutie face comes to mind. That face has a beautiful name that match her beautiful face. Her name is Elora Faith.

Elora has always done what is right instead of what is popular. She never thinks about what others will think of her but what she needs to do to be true to herself.

Her rapper name is E-lo. She is the best ghost dancer in the world. She loves soccer but wishes she could play on a boys team rather than a girls because most of her friends are boys. She is an amazing sister and daughter. She made the percussion line at school. She did a triathlon for her birthday to raise money for St Jude Hospital.  Elora hates gossip, she hates drama, and hates dresses. 
Elora never worries about what others will think of her choices. She makes her choices based on what she will think of herself down the road. I have watched her reach out of her comfort zone because the thought of missing out on something scared her more than the fear of trying. She is fearless. And the absents of fear has left her full of hope, full of dreams, and full of faith. 

When I read the story of Peter, after seeing Jesus walk on water, and tries it for himself, I can't help but think his failure came from fear rather than skill or ability. He makes it. He walks on the water. He becomes like his master until fear entered into his heart. Fear consumed him and wiped all his faith away. How many times did the Savior tells us to "fear not?" Fear does not come from my Savior, in fact it is the feeling that pushes away His love, His peace, His will. 

I will push away fear. I will fill myself so full of faith that fear has no where to stay. I will follow my daughter's example of trusting her Savior. I will be fearless.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Aunt Sara
 Everyone needs an aunt. Not the smelly, old, pinch your cheeks, forget your name aunt but an Aunt Sara.

I understand most of you don't have an Aunt Sara or even know what an Aunt Sara even is. So let me enlighten you.

An Aunt Sara is better than a second mommy. She buys you cool shoes that your mom doesn't even know are cool. She helps with homework and reads you cool books. She will take you to the store and buy you all the junk your parents won't let you have. In a nut shell, she is a whole lot of fun.

But an Aunt Sara is so much more. She is a lap to sit in when you need a hug. She is the person who has your back when you are in trouble. She is your playmate when you are lonely and a good listener to your latest story. An Aunt Sara believes in you. Most important she loves you. And heaven help the person who isn't kind to you or tries to hurt you because an Aunt Sara will protect you. An Aunt Sara only sees your strengths and never remembers your flaws. An Aunt Sara takes off work to paint faces at your school just because you asked her too. An Aunt Sara loves you with all she has. 

Having a good mom is important. Having a good dad is a blessing. But having an Aunt Sara is the best.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mamma Bear Karma

Last year, my sweet boy "Batman" Bruce decided to go for a run at our studio. He was booking it. His little feet had smoke under them. A whole 3 mph! A new record for the 4 year old. He was Batman!!

And then it happened. His nemesis came to bite him in the back side. Literally. His pants fell down. He tried hard to keep running. And I did what any good mother would do. I took his picture before helping him out. Batman was a good sport. I thought it was funny. 

Fast forward to yesterday. I wore the wrong shoes too long. If you are a woman, you understand. I slipped my shoes on without the straps, grabbed my two oversized bags, phone, and started to walk inside. I had the brilliant idea to check/answer email with bags on both shoulders, walking on uneven grass, with the "wrong" shoes on my feet. I know, I am a genius. My nemesis, better known as gravity got the best of me. Four steps in, I fall flat on my face. No, it was more like scream, arms in the air, stuff go everywhere, face plant. The few cool points I had where totally gone. As I laid on the grass, face down (so if anyone drove by maybe they wouldn't know it was me but my less graceful twin) I felt so embarrassed. But then I remembered my Batman. I thought how cute he looked trying to run and keep his pants up. It made him endearing, it made me smile. It still does. 

So maybe someone driving by yesterday just needed a smile. Maybe God chuckled a little himself. I don't know. But I do know, the next time someone has a moment that cool points are on the line I know what I am going to do. I am going to grab my camera! 

Friday, June 21, 2013


Be the Woman I want my daughters to become. It seems like those have become the words that go through my mind a hundred times a day. Be the woman I want my daughters to become.

I don't know where it started. I don't know who started it. Maybe it goes back all the way to Eve. Did she stay up all night putting dried flowers on the animal skin clothing she was making for her kids so they felt beautiful, important, and loved? Did she forget to eat the meat Adam brought home that she just cooked because once she got everyone fed, she was to tired to eat? 

It is part of what makes us great. Heck, we are better than great. As women, we are amazing. We can silently lead a nation. We can loudly speak inspiration into a lost soul. We can be one. We can be all. We are strong. We are gentle. But most important, we decide what those around us need us to be and become it. Yet somehow, we struggle to become what we need to become for our own self. 

I have learned to sew because my role as a mom called for it. I learned to cook to feed my family. But have I stopped to learn how to mediate because I need to calm myself down? Have I learned to pick up an apple instead of a donut because my body is screaming for good nutrition instead of a sugar rush? Have I learned to take time to workout because a stronger me is a better me? On that, I answer I am a work in progress. 

So I am trying to change my thinking. If my daughter called me at 33 years old, mother of seven and asked for advise, what would I tell her? Would I tell her to not sleep because she needs to worry about all the fancy clothes and toys her children don't have? Would I tell her to skip her workouts because her kids can't live without her for an hour? Would I tell her to beat herself up when she can't be everything to everyone? No. I won't do that. I would tell her that her Father in Heaven made her with everything she needs to be already inside. I would tell her He loves her and so do I. And I would tell her, she is enough.  

Today, I proclaim I AM ENOUGH. And sweetheart, so are you.