Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Inner Peace


This is one of my favorite pictures of my daughter, Belle. She jumped on the BOSU (a half fitness ball) and started to meditate. If you look in the back ground, her little brother Bruce is running away. I almost missed this cute picture.

I heard Belle scream at the top of her lungs, "Bruce!! I am trying to find inner peace and you keep messing me up!" Which was followed by a big shove. Bruce laughed and ran away. Belle instantly went back to what you see in the picture. Still laughing, I started to wonder what inner peace looked like to a 9 year old. Let me tell you what it looks like to a, let's just say more than 9 year old. Really it can be summed up in one word, balance. 

Balance is one of those that constantly needs checking. What might be balance one day can be out of whack the next. As a mom, it honestly feels overwhelming how much has to be placed on the scale to balance each day, my children (all seven of them!) my husband (he wants more of my time than the kids), volunteering at school and church, work, friendships, exercise, and sleep. One gets too much attention and something else gets neglected. 

A friend of mine told me about a vase. She would fill the vase with a bag of sand and then try and put big stones in afterwards. It never fit. No matter how she tried to place the stones, the sand took up all the room and the only option was to leave stones out. But she decided to put the stones in first. Then she poured in the sand. Amazingly, it all fit. 

I have to decide what my stones are in my life. My Father in Heaven, My family,giving back to my community, and my business are my "big stones". Those have to come first. Then when I pour the sand, it will fit. Inner peace to me is knowing I live my day with purpose and make others have a brighter day as well. And if someone tries to mess up my inner peace, a shove in the right direction won't hurt!

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