Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Cut Above the Rest

I am a mother of seven. Fair has to be my middle name. My mom truly had favorites and it wasn't me. I swore all my children would feel like they were my favorite. I am good at dodging the "who's your favorite" question. The answer by the way is ALWAYS you! I love everyone's art work with equal enthusiasm. I make time for each kid during the day that is just for them. And I made a promise to myself, I would post equally about them on this blog. But my darn Elora has to go and do something  blog worthy today. 

 Elora has beautiful blond hair. She hates to brush it. Mostly because it has knots that a good divorce lawyer couldn't get out of. And she pretends they don't exist until she looks like Medusa. This summer she has taken extra care to encourage a relationship with one large, nasty knot. Like 2 months and still a knot in her hair.

We tried everything. Bottles of conditioner, mayo, peanut butter, you name it, we tried it. So Elora came up with a brilliant idea to cut it out. 

We fought for an hour. Finally I told her she could cut it but she would regret it. I thought she would let me help her. Nope. Not Elora. She enlists her younger sister to cut her beautiful blond waist length hair to her scalp! The whole bottom of her head is bald! She cried. She cried all day. My heart hurts for her to learn such a hard lesson. 

Baby girl, listen up! 
1) knots happen. Cutting out a problem isn't always the answer. Sometimes trying a different solution over and over again will save you a lot of tears and 3 years of growing your hair out.

2) Sometimes a fast quick decision is exactly what you need. Just be prepared to get weird looks. 

3) It's just hair. But don't do it again! 

4) By the time you read this, we will laugh. Promise. 

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