My dear late friend, Reeshemah told me when I went to her for business coaching that I was wasting my time trying to sell stuff. She told me that every time we went somewhere people asked me about parenting. Reeshemah reminded me that my husband and I were raising amazing kids and that we had a responsibility to share that with others.
All that went through my mind was how many ways I was a complete failure. We have struggled financially, many times not knowing how we were going to feed our kids. My kids are on the C team for sports, makes some B's, and are in the second band and orchestra. I love to write but my ADD shows. I get depressed, I am sensitive, whatever you can do wrong in life, I am sure I do it. Who in the world would want to listen to me? I clearly don't have all the answers. But maybe that is the key. Maybe I have just messed up so many times that might slowly be getting this parenting thing.
I would love to know there was another mom out there, struggling like me. When I look at Facebook and see how perfect everyone else looks, I want to know I can come somewhere and be real. My kids don't like me right now, my house is dirty, and I want to call it quits. But I am trying my hardest and do my best. And my best is enough. Because tomorrow I will do more and learn from today.